Apparel & Accessories

  • Giorgio Optique DuMonde

    The Giorgio eyewear display is designed to capitalize on the trendy Beverly Hills storefront.
    Giorgio Optique DuMonde
  • Dickies Work Clothes

    Dickies is targeting D-l-Yers with a movable display that holds its inexpensive, durable work clothes.
    Dickies Work Clothes
  • L'eggs Plastic Eggs Display

    New packaging replaces L'eggs' time-honored plastic eggs, and cartons are designed to fit on existing displays.
    L'eggs Plastic Eggs Display
  • Sunglasses Counter Display

    To sell brightly colored sport sunglasses using as little space in stores as possible, and to appeal to a beach- and snow-going customer. This was achieved by creating a counter fixture made of fluorescent acrylic.
    Sunglasses Counter Display
  • Bailey Hat Tree Carousel

    To isolate Bailey hats from the usual jammed area of all western hats. This was accomplished by creating a floorstand and a counter unit. It made it easy to take a hat from the display and check sizes.
    Bailey Hat Tree Carousel
  • Isotoner Gift Center

    Gift centers, like this one, consist of several P-O-P fixtures, and are arranged and plan-o-grammed for individual department stores by Isotoner. Company tries to locate the centers, or "outposts," in high traffic areas but away from the core department.
    Isotoner Gift Center
  • Isotoner Display

    A spinner display is one of free-standing displays that can be tailored to individual stores' needs and tastes. Survival rates of such displays are a problem.
    Isotoner Display
  • Hosiery Center Display

    Hosiery Center is primary permanent display, can include competitive brands.
    Hosiery Center Display
  • Trifari Interactive

    To develop an interactive marketing vehicle for department stores that would: educate Trifari customers on basics of accessorizing; generate in-store excitement and multiple purchases through event promotion, and reinforce media advertising and fixturing.
    Trifari Interactive
  • L'eggs Hosiery O-Tower Hangs Display

    O-Tower hangs on permanent displays, allowing brands to get feature treatment.
    L'eggs Hosiery O-Tower Hangs Display
  • Timex Gizmoz On-Counter Merchandiser

    To introduce the new line of Gizmoz watches. Since the line is targeted to 7 to 13 year olds, the display uses bold colors and eye-catching graphics to draw attention.
    Timex Gizmoz On-Counter Merchandiser
  • Promaster Watch Display System

    To provide department and jewelry stores with a flexible, modular display.
    Promaster Watch Display System