In-Store Media

  • IBM, Blockbuster Develop Interactive Video Sampler

    Video store shoppers can get a short preview of thousands of films via interactive viewing stations in a Blockbuster Video store. IBM is working with Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. in the development of the system, which may set the tone for the future of video store sampling.
  • Improved Videocart Now Talks Back to Retailers

    It's a lot smaller, a lot less chatty and far more powerful than it was when it rolled into grocery stores in late 1988.In addition to offering shoppers details on product location and current sales, the latest incarnation of Videocart offers retailers a much clearer picture of how shoppers move th
  • Texaco Pump Monitors

    As the driver in this photo pumps gas, she views color monitor (mounted on post supporting canopy) that plays 30-second TV commercials. Sound comes from speakers (also mounted on the post) that are activated when auto pulls up to island. Laserdisc system plays as many as 30 of the ads continuously.
    Texaco Pump Monitors